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Enroute Crossing Requirements

Airport Segment/Qualifier Altitude Notes
ACY Jets AOB FL250 Beginning 60 nm west of HAR, ZNY has control to descend jets to FL240 and control for turns up to 20° AOA FL240. KACY arrivals must be above KPHL and KPHL Sat. arrivals that are not in trail.
ACY Props AOB 17,000 Beginning 60 nm west of HAR, ZNY has control to descend jets to FL240 and control for turns up to 20° AOA FL240. KACY arrivals must be above KPHL and KPHL Sat. arrivals that are not in trail.
ABE Jets Via MIP Sector AOB FL250
ABE Jets Via MDT Sector AOB FL250 Beginning 60 nm west of HAR,ZNY has control to descend jets to FL240 and control for turns up to 20° AOA FL240.
ALB North of J584 AOB FL290
AVP Jets South of J584 AOB FL250 Must enter ZNY north of MDT sector
AVP Jets North of J584 AOB FL230 ZNY has control for turns direct LACIE
Jets North of J190 AOB FL330 Descting to AOB FL290
Jets via MIP Sector AOB FL350
Jets via PSB/SEC Sectors AOB FL390
BGM North of J70 AOB 17,000
BGM On J70 or South AOB FL230
ITH South of J70 AOB FL230
ITH AOB 17,000 descending to 9,000
ELM North of J70 AOB 17,000 descending to 9,000
ELM South of J70 AOB FL230
BWI Jets AOB FL250 KBWI must be below competing KEWR and KEWR sats
DCA Jets AOB FL250 KIAD and KIAD Sats must be below KPHL and KPHL Sats and both must be below KDCA and KDCA Sats
DCA Sats1 Jets AOB FL250 KIAD and KIAD Sats must be below KPHL and KPHL Sats and both must be below KDCA and KDCA Sats
EWR Jets AOB FL330 Aircraft may be cleared direct FQM provided they enter ZNY within 5nm of center line of the STAR. ZNY has control for descent to FL280 east of SLT
EWR Props AOB FL250
EWR Sats2 Jets AOB FL350 Must be in trail with or below KJFK arrivals
EWR Sats2 Props able LVZ_ AOB FL270
EWR Sats2 PIT and east AOB FL350
EWR Sats2 South of SLT or unable LVZ_ AOB FL230
HPN PIT and east AOB FL290
IAD Jets North of GEE sector southern boundary AOB FL300 KIAD and KIAD Sats must be below KPHL and KPHL Sats and both must be below KDCA and KDCA Sats.
IAD Jets AOB FL250 KIAD and KIAD Sats must be below KPHL and KPHL Sats and both must be below KDCA and KDCA Sats.
IAD Props AOB 17,000 KIAD and KIAD Sats must be below KPHL and KPHL Sats and both must be below KDCA and KDCA Sats.
IPT via SWISS Sector AOB 17,000
JFK Props unable LENDY_ AOB 17,000 No KJFK/KFRG stacks
LGA Jets AOB FL330 Must enter ZNY at or north of PSB VORTAC
LGA Jets PIT and east AOB FL290 Must enter ZNY at or north of PSB VORTAC
MDT via SWISS Sector AOB 17,000
MDT via MDT Sector AOB 17,000 descending to 11,000
MDT Sats3 via SWISS Sector AOB 17,000
MDT Sats3 via MDT Sector AOB 17,000 descending to 11,000
PHL Jets via MDT Sector AOB FL250 Beginning 60 nm west of HAR, ZNY has control to descend jets to FL240 and control for turns up to 20° AOA FL240. KPHL and KPHL Sat. arrivals must be below KACY rrivals that aren’t in trail.
PHL Jets Via PSB or SWISS Sector APB FL250 KIAD and KIAD Sats must be below KPHL and KPHL Sats and both must be below KDCA and KDCA Sats.
PHL Props AOB 17,000
RDG Jets via MIP Sector AOB FL250
RDG via PSB Sector AOB FL190
RDG Jets via MDT Sector AOB FL190
RDG Props via MDT Sector AOB 17,000
SWF North of BGM Sector Souther Boundary AOB FL230
SWF Sats5 North of BGM Sector Souther Boundary AOB FL230
SWF Sats5 AOB FL290
UNV ZNY has control for turns and descent subsequent to radar handoff & frequency change
All via V12 ZOB may clear aircraft direct HAR provided they enter ZNY airspace within 10 NM of the center line of V12.

  1. DCA Satellite Fields: ADW, NSF, CGS, NDY, W00, W32, VKX, 2W5 

  2. EWR Satellite Fields: 12N, 1N7, 39N, 4N1, CDW, FWN, LDJ, MMU, SMQ, TEB, N05, N07, N51 

  3. MDT Sattellite Fields: CXY, LNS, SEG, THV, ZER, N68, N71, N79, N94 

  4. PHL Sattellite Fields: 17N, 3NJ6, CKZ, DYL, EVY, ILG, LOM, MQS, OQN, PNE, PTW, TTN, UKT, N47, N57, NJ74 

  5. SWT Sattellite Fields: MGJ, MSV, POU 

  6. ISP Sattellite Fields: 1N2, 21N, FOK, HTO, HWV, MTP