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Buffalo (BUF)

Quick Reference

  • IFR Departure Altitude: 10,000
  • IFR Departure Heading: Runway Heading
  • Pattern Altitude: 1,800
  • Missed Approach: 3,000 and Runway Heading (+/-20 degrees)


Operational Positions

Callsign Position Radio Name Position ID Frequency
BUF_DEL Delivery Buffalo Delivery CD 124.700
BUF_GND Ground Buffalo Ground GC 133.200
BUF_TWR Local Buffalo Tower LC 120.500
BUF_E_APP [^1] East Radar Buffalo Approach E 126.150
BUF_W_APP West Radar Buffalo Approach W 126.500
BUF_F_APP Final Radar Buffalo Approach F 123.800
ERI_APP Erie Radar Erie Approach X 121.000

Position Combination

TRACON positions should be opened and combined: 1. BUF_E_APP - E/W combined. May use simplified BUF_APP callsign - X may be combined when the position is not separately staffed by another controller IAW 6.6. 2. ERI_APP

Other positions may only be opened during events or with the permission of the ATM/DATM/TA/EC/CIC

Buffalo Jurisdictional Boundaries

  1. Tower airspace is protected for use by LC unless otherwise coordinated. The airspace consists of a 5NM radius around the field, from the surface to 3,000ft MSL.
  2. Buffalo Approach airspace is delegated to Buffalo from ZOB by LOA for use by ER, XR and/or WR. The airspace starts from the surface up to and including 10,000ft MSL. Airspace Delegation Maps for Buffalo are available in Chapter 7.
    • All of Misty 1 MOA delegated to BUF Approach is designated WR airspace.
  3. Final Radar airspace is delegated/released from ER and/or WR upon opening. The airspace starts from surface up to and including 4000ft MSL and includes the following lateral limits
    • Using RWY23/RWY05/RWY32: 5NM on either side of the extended centerline, and 25NM from the airport following the extended centerline. (Reference Figure 7.2/7.3/7.4)
    • Using RWY14: 5NM on either side of the extended centerline, and 15NM from the airport following the extended centerline. (Reference Figure 7.5)

Transfer of Position Responsibility

  1. All personnel shall review authorized sources of information prior to beginning the monitor, including the following:
    • Information Display System (IDS) found on the vZOB Site
  2. All personnel shall use the position relief checklist provided on the IDS page and share equal responsibility for the completeness/accuracy of the briefing.
  3. All personnel, after verbally providing the position relief briefing, shall remain on the position for a minimum of two (2) minutes and advise “monitor complete” once the time has elapsed

Required Facility Procedures

  1. Runway Use Program
    • The calm wind runway for Buffalo Niagara International Airport is RWY23. In the event RWY23 is closed, then RWY32 shall be designated as the calm wind runway.
    • Use the runway most nearly aligned with the wind when 5 knots or more or the “calm wind” runway when less than 5 knots unless use of another runway will be operationally advantageous or is requested by the pilot.
  2. Special Use Areas
    • Full power turbojet run-ups allowed in the run-up area of runway 23 only

Clearance Delivery

Issue Clearances/Amendments/Instructions

CD shall issue ATC clearances to IFR and VFR Class C departures as followed: 1. IFR Departures: Assign 10,000ft or requested altitude if lower, and inform the aircraft to expect (requested altitude) 10 minutes after departure. 2. VFR Class C Departures: Determine destination/direction of flight and make note of requested altitude in flight strip. No initial altitude restrictions necessary unless otherwise coordinated. 3. Using RWY05/RWY23/RWY32: Traffic departing westbound or through DKK DME shall be assigned to WR. 4. Using RWY14: Traffic departing westbound or through DKK DME shall be assigned to ER. 5. Ensure that all aircraft requesting clearance have current ATIS code.

Weather Information/ATIS

  1. Receiving:
    • BUF weather should be received via the ATC client or the Aviation Weather Center.
    • CWAs, SIGMETs, AIRMETs, and NOTAMs should be received from the Aviation Weather Center and/or the FAA.
  2. Disseminating
    • CD shall ensure that all Tower control positions and TRACON receive the new ATIS code.
    • CD shall notify CIC when weather changes from VFR to IFR or from IFR to VFR.

Ground Control

Scanning Movement Area

GC shall be aware of and operationally scan the work environment and following problem areas: 1. One-way taxiway in/out of Cargo Ramp. 2. One-way taxiway in/out of the back of the terminal ramp when K1 is blocked by aircraft. 3. All helicopter movements under control of LC shall be monitored carefully and subsequent aircraft movements shall be planned around these helicopter movements by GC.

Plan Ground Movement

  1. GC shall ensure to not allow aircraft to proceed on to a runway without transfer of control or approval from LC.
  2. GC shall coordinate with LC all requests for intersection departures or secondary runway usage. For intersection departures, the measured distances should be issued to any pilot who requests and all military aircraft—distances depicted in Chapter (Appendix) 7.7.
  3. If non-standard runway departure is requested, GC shall coordinate with LC prior to taxi clearance.
  4. GC shall give way to aircraft exiting runways unless otherwise coordinated.
  5. GC shall be made aware of local in-trail restrictions and as necessary: sequence traffic on taxiway to expedite departures.

Runway Crossing

  1. Usage of active runway shall remain the responsibility of LC. GC shall NOT cross runways designated as active, unless coordinated and approved by LC.
  2. When coordinating runway crossings, GC shall request by providing the runway number and intersection for which the aircraft shall be crossed.
    • If the request is approved, LC shall explicitly state “cross” followed by the runway number and intersection.
    • If the request is unable to be approved, LC shall NOT state “cross” but instead shall explicitly state “hold short of runway (number)”.
    • Upon crossing completion, GC shall advise LC by stating “crossing complete” followed by the controller’s operational initials (OIs).

Secondary Runway Usage

GC controls the secondary runway only if it is inactive. Otherwise: LC controls the runway and all operations shall be approved by LC prior to further clearance.

Multiple Runway Crossings

In accordance with FAA JO 7110.532 and JO 7210.747, BUF is authorized to issue multiple runway crossing clearances for aircraft crossing RWY23/RWY05 at taxiway D and RWY32/RWY14 at taxiway A

Local Control

Jurisdiction of Airspace

LC is responsible to ensure separation inside tower delegated airspace as defined in 2.3.

Departure Procedures

LC shall coordinate with the appropriate radar sector for release of all departures except in the following instances: 1. Designated Primary Runway: automatic departure releases will be in effect so long as all IFR departures are issued runway heading and climbing to 10,000ft or requested altitude if lower and for any VFR departures. 2. Designated Secondary Runway: automatic releases are permitted for non-Jet VFR aircraft on runway heading assigned an altitude at or below 2,500. 3. Non-jet VFR aircraft may be turned 30 degrees from runway heading only for the purpose of establishing initial departure separation. They may only be turned in direction of the aircraft’s intended route of flight and shall be assigned an altitude to maintain at or below 2,500. 4. All VFR helicopter departures from BUF are automatically released. 5. The radar controller may cancel automatic releases when necessary, due to traffic. 6. Departure frequencies shall be assigned IAW 3.1.c/3.1.d.

Line Up and Wait (LUAW) Procedures

LUAW is authorized at BUF IAW FAA directives and under the following criteria: 1. During daylight hours: LUAW is authorized for all runways. 2. During night time hours: LUAW is authorized between sunset and sunrise on RWY23/RWY32/RWY14, but is prohibited on RWY05. 3. When an aircraft is authorized to LUAW on a runway, traffic must be exchanged between that aircraft and any other aircraft that is authorized to LUAW, depart, or arrive on intersecting runway(s).

Arrival Procedures

  1. WR/ER/FR are not responsible for notifying LC of arriving aircraft unless specified otherwise IAW 6.3.D.
  2. LC shall ensure separation between all arriving aircraft and participating Class C aircraft, and is responsible for the final sequence of aircraft into the airport.
  3. LC shall confirm radar identification of aircraft of each arrival and scan scratch pad information to correlate type of approach and runway assignment.

Go Arounds and Missed Approaches

  1. LC must advise the radar sector which will provide radar service to the aircraft executing a missed approach or go-around.
  2. LC must assign the aircraft 3,000ft and may turn 20 degrees left or right of the centerline if required for separation, without coordination. The affected radar sector must be advised of this heading assignment prior to communication transfer

Tower Display Workstation (TDW)

BUF is equipped with a certified TDW that may be utilized to provide radar service as deemed necessary IAW FAAO 7110.65 3-1-9.b.

Helicopter Operations

All movement areas are authorized for helicopter operations. When conducting helicopter operations LC shall coordinate with GC prior to issuing arrival/departure instructions to/from any location on the field other than active runways.

Secondary Runway Usage

Landing and departing aircraft may only utilize an active runway. LC has control jurisdiction for the active runway(s), and where appropriate, GC has control jurisdiction for the secondary runway IAW 4.4. 1. Use of the secondary runway for departures shall be coordinated with GC and with radar as necessary IAW 5.2.


Pre-Arranged Coordination Procedures (P-ACP)

West Radar and East Radar are authorized to operate within common use airspace for Buffalo (BUF) departures only, and are subject to the following limitations: 1. Departures must be turned away from Runway heading to ensure aircraft are more than 1.5NM from the other sector’s airspace boundary by the 10NM range mark, unless coordinated otherwise. 2. Effects on aircraft position on runway heading due to wind drift (i.e. aircraft moves laterally without clearance due to wind effect) shall not exceed 2NM into the other sector unless coordinated. 3. Any departure not acquired by the appropriate sector past the 5NM range mark must be manually coordinated with the position not working the departure.

Buffalo (BUF) Departures

  1. IFR aircraft departing the BUF terminal area shall be on field route or on a vector to intercept filed route.
  2. To the extent possible, ensure all turbojets weighing 12,500lbs or more, are on runway heading until 3,000ft before turning on course.

Buffalo (BUF) Arrivals

  1. When FR is Open:
    • FR owns airspace only for the designated primary runway with a vertical boundary of up to and including 4,000ft. MSL IAW 2.3.
    • FR controls the sequence on all arrivals for the designated primary runway. ER and/or WR retain the responsibility for converging runway separation for non-primary runway arrivals.
    • FR has control to descend and turn arrival aircraft toward the approach course or to establish them on a downwind without prior coordination so long as positive control is maintained.
    • WR and ER shall hand off arrival aircraft to FR descending to, or level at, 5,000ft. MSL.
  2. When FR is Closed (Using RWY23 Primary or RWY32 Primary):
    • WR must coordinate with ER for a sequence on all arrivals, regardless of runway assignment. Assignment of a sequence order constitutes approval for WR to vector to the shared final approach course, subject to the following conditions:
      • WR arrival traffic may not penetrate beyond 2NM of the final approach course without coordination.
      • WR retains responsibility for the separation on spacing relative to the ER traffic being followed.
      • WR and ER shall inform each other of any speed/altitude restrictions/assignments issued that will impact the sequence.
  3. When FR is Closed (Using RWY05 Primary or RWY14 Primary):
    • ER must coordinate with WR for a sequence on all arrivals, regardless of runway assignment. Assignment of a sequence order constitutes approval for ER to vector to the shared final approach course, subject to the following conditions:
      • ER arrival traffic may not penetrate beyond 2NM of the final approach course without coordination.
      • ER retains responsibility for the separation on spacing relative to the WR traffic being followed.
      • WR and ER shall inform each other of any speed/altitude restrictions/assignments issued that will impact the sequence.
  4. Silent Arrival Call-Up Procedure:
    • WR/ER/FR are not required to verbally call-up IFR arrival and sequence information to BUF Tower Cab controllers so long as provided approach and runway data have been entered into the scratchpad and the aircraft is NOT conducting a contact approach.
    • WR/ER/FR shall advise of VFR aircraft inbound/transitioning the BUF Tower airspace, but Tower is responsible for establishing sequence and maintaining separation.

Niagara (IAG) Arrivals

  • When BUF is in RWY23/RWY05 Primary
    • When WR, ER, and/or FR are open then ER/FR shall handoff IAG arrivals, cleared direct the airport, to WR; unless otherwise coordinated.
  • When BUF is in RWY32/RWY14 Primary
    • When WR, ER, and/or FR are open, then WR/FR shall handoff IAG arrivals, cleared direct the airport, to ER; unless otherwise coordinated.

Practice Instrument Approaches

WR/ER/FR shall provide approved separation between both VFR and IFR aircraft when controller authorization is granted to the pilot for an approach into any field within airspace jurisdiction.

Erie Radar Procedures

Erie Radar is closed from 0000-0600 local, daily. ZOB DKK70 is the controlling facility when Erie Radar is closed. - When airspace delegated to BUF Approach, XR owns up to and including 10,000ft MSL within the lateral limits defined in Chapter (Appendix) 7.1.2. - The ERI Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA) controls participating VFR aircraft and IFR aircraft as defined in the jurisdictions in Chapter (Appendix) 7.6. Methods and procedures for TRSA are found in FAAO 7110.65 Chapter 7, Section 7. - Transfer of communications to ERI Tower must occur prior to 7NM. - Arrivals into Northeast Ohio Regional Airport (HZY) shall be coordinated with CLE ATCT for any aircraft requesting any instrument approach into RWY 09.

Automated Point Out Procedures

The STARS automated point out function may be used in the following situations: 1. ER/WR/FR to LC: For traffic descending to 2,300ft or above on a downwind or base leg to the primary runway. Acceptance, constitutes approval from LC to descend aircraft into tower delegated airspace. 2. ER/WR to LC: For northbound traffic landing IAG descending to 2,300ft or above commencing descent north of BUF. Acceptance: constitutes approval from LC to descend aircraft into tower delegated airspace. 3. WR to ER: For overflights landing ROC or IAG. Acceptance: constitutes approval for the aircraft to process direct ROC or IAG and descend to appropriate LOA altitude. 4. For aircraft climbing to center altitudes that will transit through another controller’s airspace prior to entering center airspace. Acceptance, constitutes approval for the continued climb through the accepting controller’s airspace. 5. For VFR aircraft landing at satellite airports. Acceptance: constitutes approval for VFR descent to the requested airport.

Approach Scratchpad Usage

See Scratchpad Reference